Marius sent back the thirty louis to his aunt, with a respectful letter, in which he stated that he had sufficient means of subsistence and that he should be able thenceforth to supply all his needs. 马吕斯把这笔钱如数退还给他大姨,并附上一封措词恭顺的信,信里说,他有办法谋生,今后已能满足自己的一切需要。
Citizens 'lawful earnings, savings, houses and other means of subsistence; (一)公民的合法收入、储蓄、房屋和其他生活资料;
The weapons with which they kill their game, or fight against hostile competitors for the means of subsistence; 用以捕杀猎物或与敌手争夺生活资料的武器;
It appears as if a famine, a universal war of devastation had cut off the supply of every means of subsistence; 仿佛是一次饥荒、一场普遍的毁灭性战争,使社会失去了全部生活资料;
Knowledge will do you a good turn even as a means of subsistence. 即为吃饭计,学问决不会辜负人的。
Housing is essential means of subsistence to urban residents, it has the characteristics of succession, transfer, welfare and other characteristics. 住宅是居民必不可少的生活资料,具有继承、转让、福利等特性。
This indicates that in consumption the proportion dedicated to mere means of subsistence has remarkably decreased, and that dedicated to development and enjoyment has greatly risen. 这表明农民的消费中生存资料比重已明显下降,发展和享受资料的比重显著提高。
She had no means of subsistence and was dependent on charity. 她没什么谋生手段,只能依靠救济。
In no case may a people be deprived of its own means of subsistence. 在任何情况下不得剥夺一个人民自己的生存手段。
Class exploitation and class difference are also eliminated, they work together and share their means of subsistence according to the proportion of their labor. 消灭了阶级剥削和阶级差别,人们共同劳动,生活资料根据劳动者提供的劳动按比例分配。
THE IMPACT OF GREATER FLEXIBILITY IN THE RMB EXCHANGE RATE ON INTEREST RATE STABILITY It is not true that population increases in a larger proportion than production of the means of subsistence; 人民币汇率弹性的增大对利率稳定性的影响人口增长率大于食料生产增长率的说法是不正确的。
It is not true that population increases in a larger proportion than production of the means of subsistence; 人口增长率大于食料生产增长率的说法是不正确的。
An English economist who argued that increases in population would outgrow increases in the means of subsistence ( 1766-1834). 认为人口的增长将过大而不适合生存资料的增长的英国经济学家(1766-1834)。
Farming is a hard means of subsistence. 耕地是存活的一种方式。
The mankind comes from naturally, and pass the reform through labour naturally, and ask for the means of subsistence to the nature, and then human society with exist for backing naturally too. 人类源于自然,通过劳动改造自然、向自然索取生存资料,进而人类社会也是以自然为依托而存在的。
Pork, as the fundamental means of subsistence, the management and price fluctuation of which are much concerned with the stability of our country and the people. 作为广大人民群众最基本的生活资料,猪肉的市场管理与价格波动关乎国计民生,影响全局。
But it definitely does not follow that the production of the means of subsistence, especially grain, can be neglected. 但是决不可以因此忽视生活资料尤其是粮食的生产。
Malthus 'theory that population increase would outpace increases in the means of subsistence. 马尔萨斯的人口增长的幅度将超越人类生存倚赖物质增长的幅度的理论。
Industry refers to manufacturing activities in making means of production, means of subsistence and processing semi-manufactured goods by making use of natural resources. 工业,是指采用自然物质资源,制造生产资料、生活资料,对农产品、半成品等进行加工的生产事业。
The average price of wage-labour is the minimum wage, i.e., that quantum of the means of subsistence, which is absolutely requisite in bare existence as a labourer. 雇佣劳动的平均价格是最低限度的工资,即工人为维持其工人的生活所必需的生活资料的数额。
Individual ownership of means of subsistence is one of the basic conditions for human being's subsistence. It's also a guarantee for people to enjoy their life and make self development and an objective requirement of realizing socialist productive aim. 生活资料个人所有制是人类生存的最基本物质条件,也是人们生存、享受和发展的平等权利保证和实现社会主义生产目的的客观要求。
The acquisition of everyday means of subsistence and consumer activities, daily association activities and the everyday sense activities running through them are the three basic levels of everyday life world. 日常生活资料的获取与消费活动、日常交往活动及贯穿于日常消费活动与日常交往活动之中的日常观念活动,是日常生活世界的三个基本层面。
Relative overpopulation in the broad sense includes not only the population surplus compared with means of subsistence and production but also the surplus compared with resources and environment. 广义相对人口过剩不仅包括人口相对于生活资料或(和)生产资料的过剩,而且还包括人口相对于资源环境的过剩。
Marx and Engels 'theory that production of human beings consists of the production of human being itself, the production of means of subsistence, and spiritual production, was blamed and challenged by people in different fields. 马克思、恩格斯提出的人自身的生产,即种的繁衍与生活资料的生产以及关于意识的生产即精神的生产的论述,曾经受到来自各方面的责难和挑战。
Land is a kind of important factor of production and means of subsistence. Whether or not land market is perfect directly influences the development of every industry and improvement of people's habitation. 土地是一种重要的生产要素和生活资料,土地市场的健全和完善将直接影响着我国各产业的快速发展以及人民居住条件的改善。
Housing, is the important material condition for human survival and development, and is the basic means of subsistence for human survival. 住房,是人类赖以生存和发展的重要物质条件,是人类生存所必需的基本的生活资料。
Housing is one of the basic means of subsistence; solving residents 'housing problem is an important guarantee of building a harmonious society and promoting the equitable development for society. 住房是人们的基本生活资料,解决居民的住房问题是建立和谐社会、促进社会公平发展的重要保证。
Housing has become the most important part of human life means of subsistence. 从有人类文明开始,房屋便成为人类生活资料中最重要的组成部分。
Land is the most basic means of subsistence of mankind, which support the advancement of human society and prosperity. 土地支撑着人类社会的进步和繁荣,是人类最基本的生活资料。